A few days ago, I bit into a peach that smelled HEAVENLY, but was not ripe in the slightest (our produce is barged into town by boat on a week long trip from Seattle, and it’s nothing short of a miracle to time the ripening of produce to be just right - overripe or underripe is the name of the game). Luckily cooked, this peach got a second chance to impress, and it sure amazed in this yummy summer pasta!
1/2 package angel hair pasta (reserve 1/2 cup lightly salted pasta water for sauce)
1 Tbs olive oil
1 large tub cherry tomatoes
Handful of arugula
1-2 peaches, sliced
1 shallot, diced
2 garlic cloves, minced
1 tub mozzarella pearls
1 cup grated Parmesan
1 cup heavy cream
1 tsp pepper
Juice of 1/2 lemon and zest from that lemon
Fresh basil for topping
Cook your pasta (keep 1/2 cup pasta water for sauce) and set aside with some oil drizzled so it doesn’t get too sticky.
In a large skillet heat oil over medium high and cook shallot for 1 minute. Throw garlic in and give a good stir to coat in oil, then dump tomatoes in and sliced peaches and give another oil coating stir. Let this cook until tomatoes are blistered and bursting and add handful of arugula to cook down a little, then add mozzarella balls and begin to let melt before removing pan from stove. In the pan used for boiling water for noodles, add cream and pasta water and heat. Add lemon juice and zest, pepper, then Parmesan and mix until combined and fully melted. Add cooked pasta into tomato peach pan, then pour your sauce over everything and enjoy!